Amy and Angie's Favorite

Amy and Angie's Favorite
Self Portrait Contest

Friday, December 10, 2010


All right, here's my entry (first time) and it was performed at work on like crazy. I'll have to come back and submit all the details of what was I'm well past my lunch hour.

The original above.

My modified one. I used Photoshop CS3, as mentioned above, the details will follow later tonight.

...okay, I don't see the boss around. Here were the steps (CS3 PS):

  • Flipped image (..because I can?)
  • Duplicated background
  • Played with brightness/Saturation
  • Found a decent colored sky, took a sample with the eye dropper
  • Selected gradient tool, pulled from top-center down to the skyline
  • searched for the original photo, opened it, turned it into a black and white w/slight adjustments
  • Dragged the B & W over to the color side and sandwiched it between the background and my duplicated color photo
  • selected the color layer and started to erase over the frame area and the girls (drawing out the B & W
  • That's it!!


  1. This is great! I love the idea of keeping the shot b&w inside the frame, but color outside. I also like how you changed the sky - the original was all washed out. Good job!

  2. Really nice idea...well done! The black and white in the middle is really interesting

  3. Very cool! I've got Lightroom and LOVE IT! BUT I have to get Photoshop CS! ;)

  4. My email address is on my FB OH Snap! Page. Free Photoshop CS5.....I say, YEAH! Thanks Matt.

  5. Thank you to all, it's very cool to get feedback and the positive comments. Hope to see you all on future projects.

  6. I so love how you did this ... different then all the others! Nicely done!
